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xoru @blogspot.com ♥
Friday, October 1, 2010

sometimes i wonder if i will die of heart attack or liver failure. ytd pei li jiejie just confirmed with me that my liver is not functioning well cause it cant breakdown the alcohol i took, thats why i am always soooooooooooo red. HAHAHA. well, he is as red as me but his liver is of cos blacker than mine HAHAHAH

sch bash last night and it was sooooooooo boring -_- i mean before the music starts. so the group of us went out to get our own drinks and went back for music again, which only started at 11 -__- and i think it's kind of weird to see the guys smoke. it's not as though i dont know they smoke, but seeing them smoke right in front of me, it's weirddddddd.

had fun with my uni friends ((((: they are sooooo high ! they are a group of very funny people cause i pulled them in and they spread out again -_- YAY i am happy that i managed to dance out my mee sua which i had for dinner HAHAHA. it's such a rare sight ytd. haha. seeing them do thing they dont normally do HAHAHA they amazed me totally.

and i got so hungry that after i reached home. incredibly hungryyyyyyyy. wanling came my house to stay and i keep telling her im sooooooooooo hungryyyyyyyy. but it's 3+am alrdy, want to eat also cant zzz hungry + painful feet (what's new !)

HTHT ! okay, more like normal giggling session hahaha. which ended my morning yay ! (:
Monday, July 19, 2010

thanks for the support i have these few days.
- the smses and calls.
- jon clive and ser for fetching me from sch and coming down to accompany me. was much better after they came down. (:
- mr see who check if i was alright every morning and he would leave after i gave him a smile
- mano who didnt want to overload me and told me to do my work slowly even i had a pile of stuffs.
- those who tried to make me laugh these few days on fb msn etc

first day was horrible cause it just stuck all of us so suddenly. wasnt even prepared for it cause i thought i had a few more mths. i had so many things undone ):

second day was even worst cause thats when the reality sink in. it's just like falling down, but it's more like a fatal fall. kept crying the whole morning, couldnt talk properly. it was very bad till i dropped a bomb on my big boss when he just ask me a very simple qns cause i just burst out crying. i think i scared him. then i stopped. my bro came and talk to him saying that i am gonna cry on wed, thurs, fri and sat and i dropped them another bomb. i lost my appetite. i skipped tea break, i skipped lunch. but thanks to wanling & jes who bought me a cup of milo and force me to take it. i must have look horrible :/ thanks to jon, clive & ser who bought fries and ice-cream and force me to eat, only to return them after 5mouths of ice-cream. thats all i had that day. plus those peanuts i ate while entertaining the guests.

5 hours of slp everyday. wake up to buy breakfast for my gran and the rest before heading to work. after work chiong back home and chiong down. it's was tiring but at least this was what i could do within my ability. 迟来的一份心意.

i am thankful that i get to spend 1 year plus with you. thank you for all that you have done, picking up my soft toy to checking if i have enuf money for my meals. sorry that i am always home so late and made you worry. i gonna miss touching you cause that's the softest skin i ever touch. i gonna miss your smile, but thats the smile i will rem it. rest in peace.
Sunday, June 13, 2010

somebody is irritating the hell out of me. this certain person is seriously trying too hard. you shld stop trying SERIOUSLY, because it's really irritating. (though you aint gonna see this)

anyway, my mum is gonna puke blood at the time i come home everytime i go out on friday nights or weekends because it gets earlier and earlier each time HAHAHA

k with pei & marcus last week and we sang from 12 - 3am ! woohoo ! finally sang k after so long. pei was unleashing all her stress ( HAHAHA ! ) they have been trying to get me out to sing for 2-3 weeks but either i alrdy got plans or i never pick up phone WAHAHAHAHA

dinner and minds cafe with uni friends on fri ((: the attendance was much higher during dinner. i was the only girl with one group of guys cause ms angwanling decided to be a 孝顺 daughter and eat with her mum before coming out to meet us. and her phone owns totally ! -_- she dont know the way to wherever we were and her phone cant hear the party who was calling. rocks ah. minds cafe was such a joke. i laugh until i was tearing !!! (when was the last time it happened ?) and then i reached home at 4am and slept at 430 am.

the timing just get earlier and earlier.
the only time i had been good was tonight. home at 10 after dinner with tgg.

aiya, i shld just give up my good girl plan. fail totally !!!

out of 5 days work, 3 days lunch out ((: benefits of a free rider :DD out of the MANY times i went out for lunch, my bro only brought me out like 3times. i had people from other dept driving my female colleague and i out to eat muahahahaha. they went to find bubble tea shop for us cause we girls were craving for it :DDD free rider is good !!! and i had like 4 security guards who recognise me now HAHAHA

results's out ((: my hands were shaking while chking. ALL CLEARED WOOHOO :DDD maybe i shld show my ever dearest econs teacher my grades for macro. i bet he wont believe me just like how he didnt believe jon scored A for econs. MUAHAHAHA. to think i used to failed like dont know what during my jc years. MUAHAHAHAHA

i want to do sth to my hair. i want to change colour even if it means ahlian. i have to do it soon before im running out of time. i cant go work (as a perm staff) with an ahlian hairstyle. got to do it before end of the year ? provided i dont get killed by my brothers and sisters. (:
Saturday, May 29, 2010

i think i shld give up my plan of trying to get home early. hmms.

had mj session with limpeipei, marcus & family last sat. home at 3+am :/ you dont see tutors playing mj with their students and their family. i think im the first :/ even popo also say "wa, teacher also come mj" HAHAHAHA best thing is we dont play with chips / money. loser will have to wash up the plates/bowls/pots HAHAH so cute eh (:

dinner with gg, minli & wan ting on wed ((: chit chat chit chat. and the cheapo wan ting and i keep asking for refills and vaccum up whatever that is left on the table :D korean is love :D sadly, the rest could join us ):

manicure & chitchat with my telepathic friend and birthday celebration for the apr & may with my uni friends last night ^^. service at timbre was disappointing. made reservation at 8pm, reached there in time yet there wasnt any table for us -_- waited for another almost 1 hour, managed to get a table but it started drizzling just when we wanted to order -__- in the end still no table for us -___- so we changed placed to brewwreks. luckily we changed, else we wouldnt have enjoyed so much :D too bad our two lao da didnt join us. sadded. drank pretty much (oops !) and didnt get red (yay !). but i drank my last few mouths too fast and i got damn red and all my friends started snapping photos of me. thats the consequences of people anyhow 干杯 with you lah hahaha.

work has started. totally rot there like everyday. there wasnt enough work for me to do. i had to keep nagging them to give me some work to do but they got nth to give me -_- i found my long lost brother there. he looks so much like my brother !! so he is my second brother now hahahah.
i am a special case there. because everyone knows i am my bro's sister so nobody dared to bully me. they are afraid my bro will drive a tank and chase after them shld anything happen to me HAHAHA i guessed that i am too well protected there so i not sure if i am going to get to learn anything :/ sian sian sian. i dont like to rot at work !
Saturday, May 15, 2010

i shld try to be a good girl !

within one week, i hanged out till in the middle of the night TWICE. havent get scolded yet but i am so gonna try to avoid it.

#1. prawning with uni friends and impromptu supper at prata house all the way till 3.30am ~
TONS OF FUN AND HELL LOTS OF LAUGHTER (((: i swear we were like the noisiest bunch of people. they made me realised that i actually havent had such fun for a long time ((:

#2. prata + mj with my secret society friends (HAHAHA ! ) all the way till 2.30am ~
before i head out of the house, my mum told me she dont want me to reach home at 3am again. i happily told her i wont cause chances not high. so in the end 2.30am ! can consider as improvement i think :/

super gulity.

sometimes i really think that my license is useless -_- rahhhh